Regency Blues Tonal Sand Berwick by Christopher Wilson Tate for Moda 42301-18
Regency Blues Tonal Sand Berwick by Christopher Wilson Tate for Moda 42301-18.
44/45 inch wide. 100% Premium Cotton.
Regency Blues is a beautiful collection of prints inspired by quilts in my private collection of antique British Quilts, dating from
the late 18th Century and early 19th Century. In my almost forty years of traveling throughout the British Isles finding and
purchasing antique quilts, I wanted my first collection with Moda Fabrics to have connections to my native Northumberland.
The prints are drawn from quilts originating in the North East of England, and the prints have been named for some of the
beautiful places there – Berwick, Lindisfarne and Chipchase. Christopher Wilson Tate.